AGT Slots Has Advantages |
▲Based on SAS 6.02 protocol, can be adopted globally without modification.
▲Fast installation, easily connected with slot machines.
▲No data is lost even when slots are off-line.
▲Product tested extensively by extremely demanding users.
▲Competitive pricing.
▲Any jurisdictional requirements can be covered with little or no
▲Professional maintenance and support services.
▲It is flexible and integrates easily with your existing floor procedures and other casino management software. |
Accounting |
▲Automatic meter readings.
▲History of slot machine descriptions.
▲Real time slot machine status report.
▲Real time meter status collection at any meter change (floor mirroring)
▲Management of multiple slots meters (mechanical and electrical).
▲Instant alerts for network disconnection, door opening, tilt, or malfunction and jackpots. |
Cage |
▲Full cage management and access control.
▲Hard and soft counting and variance reporting.
▲Integrated Cashflow management for cage and vault.
▲Automatic validation processing.
▲Automatically collects data for jackpot and fill slips. |
Ticketing |
▲Marketing: promotional tickets for attracting new players can be cashable or not.
▲Simplifies cage processes.
▲Decreases operation costs without using coins.
▲Efficient ticket tracking with comprehensive reports.
▲Safe against fraud (unique code on the slip, on-line reading only). |
Cashless |
▲Fast and secure money flow around the floor.
▲Can be used on all machines – denomination independent.
▲Simple and easily understandable for all types of players.
▲Lesser down-time for maintenance.
▲Boosts revenues by fast and uninterrupted play.
▲Maximizes cost-saving by eliminating coins and bills handling. |
Jockpots |
▲Robust solution, tailor-made for each customer.
▲Centralized control of Progressive and Mystery jackpots.
▲Attractive Jackpot levels visualization on plasma or LCD screens.
▲Wide area and real-time display of jackpot awards.
▲Maximum flexibility to create new Jackpots from various machine types and brands . |
Players Tracking |
▲It collects comprehensive data and uses it to create an exhaustive list of reports to suit every management need.
▲Endorses a user-friendly mailing list generator.
▲You can measure spend within a group as a whole and on the individual level to successfully validate an agent’s contribution.
▲Enables faster player recognition on the casino floor. |